Beat the PeakPlease consider joining our free Beat the Peak program to assist in keeping our rates affordable. The cost of electricity to all utilities is driven by the weather. Peaks occur when many people use electricity at once, typically during summer afternoons and winter mornings. During these peaks, CCEC’s power cost is much higher.

But you can help! By signing up to receive Beat the Peak alerts, our members can help keep rates affordable. Participating members will be notified by text message and email for upcoming peak usage periods. These periods occur most often between 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. in the winter and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the summer. And they don’t happen every day. We anticipate these periods will occur 3 to 5 times per month, depending upon the temperatures. When you receive an alert, we ask that you reduce your usage during peak hours.

Simple Steps Can Make a Big Impact

  • Adjust your thermostat 3º F (up in the summer and down in the winter)
  • Delay using major appliances (dishwashers, washers, dryers)
  • Postpone hot water use
  • Turn off unnecessary lights

It’s that easy. To participate, please complete the Beak the Peak Alerts form, email, or call us at 252.247.3107. Together, we can Beat the Peak!

Beat the Peak Registration