CMTConnect Your Thermostat, Get Rewarded

A new offering for CCEC members puts money back in your pocket – while supporting the power grid's resilience and achieving cost savings that benefit all co-op members.

Previously, members could purchase a smart thermostat through Connect to Save, but our program is changing. Starting February 1, members who own their own smart thermostat can enroll in our Connect My Thermostat program through Connect to Save. Enrolling earns you $50 upfront and $50 every year you participate in the program.

If you already own a smart thermostat, or if you’re in the market for one, this new offering is a great way to offset the cost of the device. Plus, it gives more flexibility to choose the thermostat that works best for you. Eligible thermostats include Google Nest, ecobee and Honeywell Home*.

By participating in Connect to Save, you can earn cash rewards by allowing your co-op to occasionally make small adjustments to your thermostat setting when there is high traffic on the electric grid. These small actions multiplied across thousands of homes make power more reliable and affordable for everyone.

At CCEC, helping you save energy and money is a priority. Connect to Save is one of the many ways we are working to keep costs low for our members. Learn more at

*See for a list of all eligible smart thermostats.

Already a Connect to Save member?

Thank you for participating in Connect to Save. Since launching Connect to Save in 2020, the more than 2,000 participating members have save the entire cooperative membership more than $170,000 in power costs! Reducing peak demand is good for your wallet, good for the electric grid and good for the environment. Encourage your friends and neighbors to participate! The more members that participate, the more we all can save.

Device Disconnected?

A change in your home internet provider or router can interrupt service to your Connect to Save device. Reconnecting your device to wi-fi is easy - just click on the instructions below for your CTS device. If you need additional assistance, please contact Connect to Save at 844-577-SAVE.

Carina Water Heater Controller 

Google Nest




If your electric water heater has been around for more than a decade, it might be time for a replacement. To help you make that decision, consider that the cooperative is offering a $300 rebate this year for a qualified heat pump (hybrid) water heater purchased and installed in your home.

While these water heaters typically cost $2,000-plus, with the rebate you will not only save money toward your purchase, but you will save energy by replacing an older, energy-hogging water heater. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates an annual savings of about $300 a year for a family of four.

HPWH Comparison

The chart uses $2,000 as the average heat-pump water heater cost and $1,300 as the average traditional water heater cost. 

HPWH Rebate Application

HPWHHeat pump water heaters use electricity to move heat from one place to another instead of generating heat directly. Therefore, they can be two to three times more energy efficient than conventional electric resistance water heaters. To move the heat, heat pumps work like a refrigerator in reverse.

While a refrigerator pulls heat from inside a box and dumps it into the surrounding room, a stand-alone air-source heat pump water heater pulls heat from the surrounding air and dumps it -- at a higher temperature -- into a tank to heat water. You can purchase a stand-alone heat pump water heating system as an integrated unit with a built-in water storage tank and back-up resistance heating elements.