CapDiploma.pngCCEC and the Carteret-Craven Electric Foundation award scholarships up to $24,000 each year for graduating high school seniors and students attending local community colleges. Since 2000, we have awarded more than $600,000 in scholarships. Funds for the scholarships are provided by member donations to Operation RoundUP.

College Scholarship Program for High School Seniors

FoundationScholarships2020OnlineMedia.jpgSince 2000, CCEC and its foundation have awarded $500,000 in scholarships to help students reach their college education goals. Five more scholarships, valued at $4,000 each, will be awarded in 2024.

The scholarships are awarded each year to five deserving students. One student each from East Carteret, West Carteret, Croatan, and Havelock high schools will be selected, with the fifth recipient being the next highest scoring applicant among all the applications and may include applicants from other schools, such as Jones Senior High School, MaST, early colleges, Gramercy Christian School and home schools.

The scholarship program is open to students whose primary residence is on the co-op’s lines. To qualify, the student must be a high school senior in the current graduating class and must be accepted at a 4-year college or university OR 2-year community/technical college. The student cannot be a close relative of a CCEC employee or director; a close relative being a spouse, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew, by blood, by adoption, or in-law of the employee or director.

2025 High School Scholarship Application

The judges will weigh the following in determining the scholarship winners: need, 50 percent; academic achievement, 25 percent; and extracurricular activities, 25 percent. Applications are due no later than 5 p.m. on March 3, 2025.

All applicants will be considered on the stated criteria, regardless of race, age, color, religion, sex, handicap or national origin.

Community College Scholarship Program

Whether you are new to college, looking for a new career or enhancing your current career, a community college scholarship from the Carteret-Craven Electric Foundation can help you meet your education goals.

The foundation will award scholarships valued at up to $1,000 each to four local community college students that are attending or plan to attend community college in the fall of 2025.

Four students can earn $250 a semester for a total of four semesters of study. Scholarships will be awarded according to need (75 percent) and merit (25 percent). To be eligible, the applicant must live at a residence that is served by Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative. 

The applicant cannot be a close relative of Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative employee or director – close relative being a spouse, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew, by blood, by adoption, or in-law of the employee or director. 

Applications are judged based on financial documents (most recent federal IRS tax form) and a letter from the student describing his or her educational goals and plans for the future, as well as any special needs or circumstances the student may have. To renew, the student must maintain a 2.5 grade-point average. The scholarship expires after five semesters from the award date.

2025 Community College Application

Applications are due no later than 5 p.m. on April 30, 2025.

Since 2005, the foundation has awarded more than $64,000 in community college scholarships to students in Carteret and Craven counties.