Understanding Your Monthly Bill

Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment
Members sometimes ask, “What is the WholesalePower/Fuel Cost Adj. on my bill?” The Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment (WPCA) reflects increases or decreases in the cost of electricity Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative purchases from its wholesale power supplier for distribution to its members.
Our annual budget and rates are based on our best projections of what we expect to pay for electricity in the wholesale market and what our projected kilowatt-hour (kWh) sales are for the year.
The WPCA is subject to change during the year to adjust when projected power costs and actual power costs fluctuate. The wholesale power cost adjustment clause has been in effect in all of CCEC’s rates since the 1970s and is a common practice among cooperatives nationwide.
Summer and Non-Summer Rates
The energy charge on your bill in the summer (June through October) is 9.98¢ per kilowatt-hour (kWh). The winter rate from November through May is 9.01¢ per kilowatt-hour (kWh). The change reflects the prices the co-op pays for wholesale power.
Facilities Charge
The facilities charge is included in the residential energy charge. The facilities charge covers expenses the cooperative incurs regardless of how much electricity is sold. It pays for such things as the wire, transformers, and power poles needed to build and maintain the electric distribution system, as well as for general operational expenses such as labor, insurance, taxes, interest, and others. Because all cooperative members benefit from having reliable electric service available when they need it, the facilities charge allows everyone – both residential and commercial accounts – to pay a share of those basic costs. Members can see the facilities charge as a separate item on their bill by logging into their account at carteretcraven.coop.
Renewable & EE Mandate
This charge represents money CCEC is required to spend to meet mandates of the state’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS). Adopted in 2007, the mandate requires electric cooperatives in North Carolina to meet up to 10 percent of their energy sales through renewable energy resources or energy efficiency measures.
This charge appears on the bills of CCEC who have generously agreed to let us round up their bill each month to the nearest dollar. Operation RoundUP supports charitable organizations in our communities and is run by a board of directors made up of co-op members just like you.