Safeguard Lights
Another service we offer our members are Safeguard Lights. For a small monthly fee, we will install a safeguard light on your property. The monthly fee covers the cost of electricity (it doesn't go through your meter), maintenance and upkeep. You don't have to worry about replacing bulbs, and the light comes on at dusk and goes off automatically at dawn. What better way to extend your daylight hours or to provide safety and security for your family? Call 252.247.3107 or 800.682.2217. to request a light today.
Is your security light burning during the day?
If so, that means the photo sensor needs to be replaced. It also means the light is using electricity needlessly. Please give us a call at (252) 247-3107 or send us an email at with the location of the light that needs to be fixed. If you can find the tag number on the pole, that will help us pinpoint the location quicker.
PowerGuard Surge Suppression
Is your home protected? The cooperative’s PowerGuard surge suppression program helps protect appliances and sensitive electronics in your home from power surges. Surges in voltage levels are caused by many different events. Lightning is a common cause, but accidents involving power poles, birds and animals can also generate damaging surges. While small spikes do not always cause damage, a nearby lightning strike can create enough surge energy to severely damage or destroy appliances and sensitive electronics within your home. Several surge suppression options are available.
NOTE: It is important to regularly check the indicator lights on any of these devices to ensure they are still functioning.
To request surge equipment, call (252) 247-3107 or (800) 682-2217.