We have established a Member Advisory Group (MAG) made up of co-op members to provide informal feedback and suggestions to help CCEC evaluate its programs and communications.
You are invited to apply to join the MAG. There are limited spaces on the MAG, so if you are interested in joining, please fill out the attached application and get it back to CCEC soon. There is no deadline for applying, but if the MAG reaches capacity before you are able to join, we may offer you a spot when one opens up in the future.
We expect the MAG to meet with us in-person one or two times a year and respond to occasional emails or online surveys. For the in-person meetings, we would provide a meal, seek your feedback on projects and plans and explore ideas you may have that would benefit the co-op's membership as a whole.
This is an exciting opportunity to participate in your electric coop's future. To apply, click here.