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CCEC earned a “gold” safety award from the NC Department of Labor for its on-the-job safety achievements during 2019.

Safety is one of the most important concerns of the electric utility industry and is paramount at CCEC,” said Safety Coordinator Ryan Weston. “We work safe, not simply because there are state and federal rules that require it, but because safety is a part of our culture.”

Under program rules, companies must have been free of fatal accidents at the site for which the award is given to be eligible. The gold award criteria are based on a DART (Days Away, Restricted or Transferred) rate that is at least 50% below the statewide rate for its industry. The rate includes cases of days away from work, restricted activity or job transfer.

The applicant must attain an incidence rate for cases with days away from work that is at least 50% below the rate for its industry, according to a NCDOL news release.