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Teachers can apply now for Bright Ideas education grants from Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative (CCEC) for the 2023-2024 school year. The local electric cooperative is providing grants of up to $1,000 to bring creative learning projects to life and enhance educational experiences for local students. Teachers can apply online at

CCEC expects to award $28,000 in Bright Ideas grants to local teachers in the 2023-2024 school year. Funding is available for PreK-12 classroom projects in all curriculum areas including art, history, math, reading, science and technology. Educators can apply as individuals or as a team and must include a budget, project goals, implementation plan and description of how the project will engage students and enhance their success.

Since 1994, CCEC has issued more than $588,000 in grants, funding 802 projects that have benefited well over 152,000 students in Carteret County and Havelock.

The Bright Ideas education grant program is a shared initiative of all 26 electric co-ops in North Carolina. Collectively, CCEC and North Carolina’s electric cooperatives have issued more than $15 million supporting 14,200 projects benefiting well over 3.5 million students statewide.

The final deadline to apply is Sept. 15. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit to find details on submission requirements. For more information about the program and grant-writing tips, please visit