A message from CCEC CEO & General Manager, Jake Joplin:
One of my favorite events is coming up on May 2, when Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative will host our annual meeting for you, the members we proudly serve. I always look forward to this event because it’s a great opportunity for me and our employees to talk with our members and hear what’s on their minds.
We hope you’ll join us for the annual meeting, which will take place at Glad Tidings Church in Morehead City. Dinner service will begin at 4:30 p.m. followed by the business meeting at 6:30 p.m. For those who are unable to attend in person, the meeting will be broadcast live on the co-op’s Facebook page. Whether you attend in person or online, we thank you in advance for getting involved because your participation means so much to us.
During the annual meeting, we’ll share a few brief business updates, discuss recent projects, and announce this year’s scholarship recipients. We’ll have activities for the kids, a delicious meal, and lots of prizes including cash, free electricity, and a retired co-op pickup truck.
Spending time with you and hearing your take on our community’s energy future is so important to us. In fact, it’s essential because everything we do is shaped by the members of our community. As I’m sure you know, the energy industry is in the midst of massive change. Consumer needs and changing technology impact nearly every aspect of how we manage and deliver energy to local homes, schools, and businesses.
As we navigate major changes in the coming years, we need to hear from you and your neighbors to inform our planning as we strive to meet the long-term needs of all cooperative members.
You have a say.
You may be wondering if your opinion really makes a difference, and yes, it does! Gaining guidance and perspective from our members and board helps set priorities for the co-op and guide future decisions. At our annual meeting, we raise issues for voting consideration by the general membership (that’s everyone who pays for electric service from CCEC). Annual meeting is also a time for members to vote on the co-op’s board of directors.
Our board of directors is comprised of nine members who live and work right here in our local service area, so they are in the best position to know where community investments are most needed. And by the way, we hope you’ll consider running for the board in the future – we’re always looking for folks who care about our community who would be willing to serve.
A monthly investment in your community.
This local input means those closest to the community know its needs and priorities and help direct where co-op dollars are spent. Every year, we invest funds to make updates to our local system, which helps maintain reliability and grid resilience. Think of it this way: every time you pay your electric bill, you’re actually investing in your community because all the money we take in stays here in the local community. By making these investments in our local system, we can ensure you have reliable power for everyday life.
Most consumers likely don’t equate active involvement with their electric company with helping their community. However, CCEC is not an ordinary utility company. We’re a co-op, and our business model is meant to serve the members and the community in which it operates.
Our core purpose and mission are to provide safe, reliable, and affordable power. But as a co-op, we’re also motivated by service to our community, rather than profits. We hope you’ll exercise the benefits of your co-op membership and join us for the annual meeting on May 2. We look forward to seeing you!